Friday, December 5, 2008

Bringing it All Together

Teaching for social justice is important; all the students need to be aware of what is right and wrong. In the article a child says "You know, Mr. Kohl, you can get arrested for stirring up justice."[i] I think this statement shows that the student doesn’t understand that it is ok to fight for something that you believe in. If no one stood up for anything then nothing would get done. It is important to be involved with the community outside of school to show that you care about what is going on in the community. I believe that there is also a time when you should not fight for something and it is important to realize when a situation like this occurs. For instance if you know a student is in the wrong class you need to stand up for them and try to help them get into the correct class. It is important that the student feels that the teacher is a good person. A lot of times students do not like a teacher and will not give there best effort. Although the teacher should have the trust of the students and respect there is a fine line between being liked because you are a good teacher and being liked because you are the “easy” teacher. It is important that all students have the same chance to learn even though each student learns differently it’s the teachers role to find that out and figure out how they can best teach them.

A good teacher needs to know their students and what they are like. I was reading an article and in it states “Most often, we do not teach in the way children learn but the way in which we want them to.”[ii] If the teacher knows their students then the way they want them to learn will be the best way that they learn. I feel that this is important because the relationship between the student and the teacher will be better if they know each other. Students will try harder for someone that they know and like rather then someone that they just see as a teacher just assigning assignments. It is not good for a teacher to not know what students’ interests are and not know how to connect with the students. I think that taking the time to get to know the students can help to figure out how you can teach to keep them interested in the subject. It is important that the teacher cares about the students but it is also important that the teacher does not get to wound up in being a teacher and doesn’t take some time to relax. If the teacher is happy it will carry into the classroom and will make it a happy place to be which will benefit the students learning.

Schools should be a place that is safe and enjoyable for all students. It is important that the schools provides opportunities for the students to explore subjects of interest. The students should be able to use anything that will help them learn. For instance schools should have computers and allow the students to use them. Students know a lot about technology and they should be able to use it. Children are on computers at home at a young age so if that will help them learn it should be used. “Schools are now using interactive tools to make lessons more enjoyable and fun for children.”[iii] This is important because a happy student who likes being there will be better off then the student who is counting down till the day ends. If a student is having trouble but they feel comfortable in a classroom they will have a better chance of understanding something. To make a student comfortable provide them with something they can use and feel comfortable with. I think that with the technology classrooms should have computers to help out the students.

Teachers face the problem of being stressed while at work. They have the responsibility of a classroom of students that they need to watch over. The teacher does not know every thing that is going on with a child and sometimes this can disrupt the classroom. A student that is having a bad day for one reason or another can be angry and cause disruptions to interrupt the class and cause the teacher stress. The teacher has to make sure that if a student does something inappropriate they receive the correct punishment and they need to make sure it does not cause harm to other students in the room. Teachers have a lot to worry about in making sure that all the students are safe.

In article teachers explain why they are stressed. The article was written a week or two after the snipers in Washington DC. One teacher said “I talk to parents but still can't get the children to attend to the task given. It's not an academic problem, it's a social problem.”[iv] When something happens like a big event that affects the children outside of school a lot more stress is involved because the students are on edge as well as the teacher. This makes teaching stress full and difficult to teach to the best of ones ability.
I interviewed a Kindergarten teacher that teaches at a private school in South Boston.

Q-Do you think that it is important to know your students outside of the classroom such as family, or activities they enjoy doing?

A-Yes, because especially when you are teaching elementary school it is important to know your students interests when you are trying to plan lessons to keep the kids interested. Family is important to know what is going on at home and that it could affect school. A tough family life might affect them in class

Q-Have you ever had a student that was having trouble in class and you found out that there were problems at home?

A-Yes, the student was misbehaving and through speaking to them bits and peaces came out that there was trouble at home. The problem was addressed and there was a meeting with the parents to try to fix the situation.

Q-have you ever been affected by what a student has done to the point that you keep thinking about it after the situation is over?

A-Yes, when ever there is a major situation you think about it afterwards because you are reflecting on why the situation occurred.

Q-Do you feel you handled it appropriately or is there something you would have changed?

A-I feel that at the heat of the moment I handled it correctly, looking back at it I may have changed the way I handled it, but that is part of teaching to learn from how I handled this situation so if it happens again I will be prepared.

Q-Do you enjoy teaching and why?

A-Yes, I enjoy knowing that every day is different especially with young children. I enjoy positively impacting children’s lives. When they succeed they are happy and that makes me happy, and feel like I succeeded.

The School by: Vikanya Chea

The school where knowledge goes wild.
The school where delinquents thrive.
The school that people despise,
is the same school that I cherish.
The school where I learn vast amounts of knowledge.
School of my hope.

The school I wish to avoid.
The school that always makes me wake up at 5: 30 in the morning.
The school where ideas come alive,
is the place I learn best.
The school with a freedom of speech.
School of my dreams.

The school where vibrant faces don't go unnoticed.
The school where smiles lift people up.
The school that forces you to communicate,
is the best way to make friends.
The school with so many different personalities.
School of my being.

The school that receives no credit.
The school that is a burden.
The school that is one of a kind,
is what makes the school itself special.
The school, which is my haven.
School of privilege and adventure.[v]

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