Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Building a Staircase

The students reach the top when they understand what has been taught to them.

The students build off of what they have learned to gain a better understanding of the subject.

The students need a good base knowledge so that they will be able to have the basic understanding of a subject.

Once the teacher knows what type of students they have the plan for teaching the subject will be able to be worked out.

Building a stair case is like teaching. You first have to start by getting all the materials and make a plan on how to build the stair case. Like teaching you need to start by finding out who your students are and the best way that they learn, so that you can most efficiently teach them. Once you know what materials you have and a plan at how to construct the stairs you start by building a foundation that will be sturdy enough to hold up the stairs. As a teacher you need to provide a base knowledge that the students can build off of. You build the staircase one stair at a time off of each other. As a teacher once the base knowledge is learned you start to teach off of that. The main goal of the stairs is to reach the top. As a teacher you teach the children in increasing order until they reach the main goal of knowing the material that you are teaching in depth. So it all starts with learning who your students are, giving them a basic knowledge of what they are learning, and going in depth so that they learn the material that is being taught. You would not want to build your stairs on a foundation that is not sturdy because they will fall over. Just like teaching you can not teach someone effectively if they do not have a basic understanding before you get into the more detailed material.

I chose building a staircase to compare to teaching because there are so many different ways and materials a staircase can be built but in the end each staircase’s purpose is to bring you to a different level. Like teaching there are so many different kinds of students with different learning styles but each student’s goal is to gain better understanding of a subject matter.

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