Friday, November 21, 2008

Using Race to decide what students go to what school

I chose to do my blog on race in school. I first started by looking for cases where race was a problem in the classroom but ended up finding a case a little bit different. I found a case where the community decided that the families can send their children to any school in a given district. At first thought I thought this was a good idea but once I kept reading it turned out that the problem was too many families wanted to send their children to the same schools. The school had to decide what students to take and what ones had to find a different school in the district to go to.

The problem was that with so many families wanting to go to the same school the school needed to let some students leave. When deciding on what students they should take in the school race became an aspect of who stays and who goes. The schools say that they wanted to have students of all different races in the schools and that’s why they chose the way that they did. Many families feel that it was not a fair way of deciding because kids were having to go to schools that were no where near their homes. A group of parents got together to sue the school district saying that it didn’t make sense the way that the children were being chosen. The school did not get sued because the students were not being kicked out of the school district just the specific school. I think that it is good to have a school with a mix of students with different backgrounds but I also think that students should go to the schools that are close to their homes for convenience.

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